
41 results

The new Bulgarian radical party - how worried should we be about Vazrazhdane

The new Bulgarian radical party - how worried should we be about Vazrazhdane

The leader Kostadin Kostadinov uses very well the social media and jumps on the populist anti-establishment bandwagons but cannot propose a viable agenda for governing

2021: Bulgaria in cultural highlights

2021: Bulgaria in cultural highlights

How the year fared for local literature, cinema and contemporary art

Sofia’s hottest new contemporary art center

Sofia’s hottest new contemporary art center

The emergence of the Regional Centre for Contemporary Arts "Toplotsentrala" in South Park has the potential to fan the flames of Sofia's cultural scene

The Week: Russia’s silent move, Parliament in mayhem, Housing market booms

The Week: Russia’s silent move, Parliament in mayhem, Housing market booms

Old faces, new falls from grace and a BMW you can buy cheap

The Black Wednesday: A 13 Million Sports Hall With The Revenue Of A Corner-Store

The Black Wednesday: A 13 Million Sports Hall With The Revenue Of A Corner-Store

The story of one of many government-built arenas designed not to support sport, but to boost friendly infrastructure companies

The Black Wednesday: Taking its Toll

The Black Wednesday: Taking its Toll

The first of a series of publications about the corruption that has plagued Bulgaria. How the state allowed gaps in the Road Toll system that cost taxpayers millions

A tale from the (still) captured state, new elections and the Russians are coming... for now

A tale from the (still) captured state, new elections and the Russians are coming... for now

K Insights 07/05: there are money for COVID-measures until June; who is the largest builder in Bulgaria

How to spend secretly 100 million euro in Sofia; a breath of fresh air in the Parliament; exports are back on track

How to spend secretly 100 million euro in Sofia; a breath of fresh air in the Parliament; exports are back on track

KInsights 17/04: A Russian billionaire in Sofia, a feisty old lady in the Parliament and the 6 billion euro everyone is talking about

The elections are finally here, World Bank and the US criticize Bulgaria, tourism is down 70%

The elections are finally here, World Bank and the US criticize Bulgaria, tourism is down 70%

K Insights 02/04: the lockdown ends; how to buy something that doesn't have a price

Bulgarian cuisine from Cosmos

Bulgarian cuisine from Cosmos

Rakia Raketa Bar, Fabrika Daga, Sputnik and Cosmos are helping Sofia’s induction into modern culinary cuisine

A coastal city willing to grow

A coastal city willing to grow

Life is boiling in Burgas only during summer

TOP30 of Bulgaria’s construction companies: Riding on the highway of public contracts

TOP30 of Bulgaria’s construction companies: Riding on the highway of public contracts

The sector has achieved significant revenue growth mostly stemming from government contracts for infrastructure projects, but also because of a revival in the real estate market

Borissov’s praetorians

Borissov’s praetorians

Competition authority head Julia Nenkova is a classic example of a politically motivated appointment

Commercial properties yields in Sofia remain the highest in the region

Commercial properties yields in Sofia remain the highest in the region

Expectations for 2018 are for a calm market

The Momchilovtsi – Shanghai Connection

The Momchilovtsi – Shanghai Connection

China’s Bright Dairy yogurt is a rare example of branding a product as Bulgarian that turned out to be a marketing success.