
66 results

The week: 100 days of hell, the missing half a billion and a mysterious crash at a large dam

The week: 100 days of hell, the missing half a billion and a mysterious crash at a large dam

A baptism of fire, a new port on the Aegean and an ambassador worth throwing out

The week: Borissov arrested, Central Bank chairmanship tears the coalition, Resilience Plan still not ok

The week: Borissov arrested, Central Bank chairmanship tears the coalition, Resilience Plan still not ok

Former PM Borissov arrested, Guerilla war over BNB shakes the coalition and the Plan is still NOT alright

A step away from OECD membership

A step away from OECD membership

Bulgaria has a real chance to become one of six new members of the "club of mostly rich countries" soon

Bulgaria enters new Covid wave with no restrictions, few vaccinations and rising deaths

Bulgaria enters new Covid wave with no restrictions, few vaccinations and rising deaths

The caretaker government is reluctant to implement its own anti-pandemic plan, fearing a backlash from business and the public

The week: The Belarus summer of Bulgaria, a minister’s Canadian link and a coming new lockdown

The week: The Belarus summer of Bulgaria, a minister’s Canadian link and a coming new lockdown

K insights 20/08: Inflation quickens; COVID cases rise

How to spend secretly 100 million euro in Sofia; a breath of fresh air in the Parliament; exports are back on track

How to spend secretly 100 million euro in Sofia; a breath of fresh air in the Parliament; exports are back on track

KInsights 17/04: A Russian billionaire in Sofia, a feisty old lady in the Parliament and the 6 billion euro everyone is talking about

After the elections: Final results, mandates and scenarios

After the elections: Final results, mandates and scenarios

Forming a majority in the new parliament will be a Sisyphean task and the role of the President could be crucial in coming months

The golden passports of Bulgaria; the new lockdown and the elections; how to get a year of free rent

The golden passports of Bulgaria; the new lockdown and the elections; how to get a year of free rent

K Insights 19/03: the dirty campaign begins and what is cyberethics

Setting the scene for 2021: what to expect in the political field

Setting the scene for 2021: what to expect in the political field

Socialist opposition tries to sharpen its teeth, but the surge of smaller parties is promising a fractured parliament

Is Sofia about to lose some of its air connections

Is Sofia about to lose some of its air connections

Shortly before the start of its concession contract, state-owned Sofia Airport unveiled a plan to drastically raise its fees. Complaints from the biggest airlines using the airport put the plan on hold until after the general election expected in March.

Accelerator for Bank Mergers

Accelerator for Bank Mergers

After the sector shrunk by four banks in the last five years, at least two more sales and a merger are expected before year-end.