55 results

What a waste
A large-scale Bulgarian business with international reach comes under unexpected attack from the prosecution

A very serious spy vaudeville
The latest episodes of the unfolding Bulgarian-Russian spy saga leave a mixed taste

Organized crime in Bulgaria: Five popular beliefs re-examined
Bulgaria, unfortunately, has built an image of a country deeply affected by organized crime

Farewell to wires
With labor costs rising, wire harness manufacturers are moving to cheaper destinations

How much has Dr. Ruja Ignatova pocketed?
Until the fall of 2016 the OneCoin scheme earned 3.3 billion euro with a profit of 2 billion euro

The Oligarchs' Coffer
The state-owned Bulgarian Development Bank has morphed from a small and medium-sized business aide to a lender of last resort for unstable and sometimes unsavory large companies

How the insurance sector avoided a financial crisis
The Bulgarian parliament introduced a temporary limit on the compensation paid for emotional distress in case of road accident fatalities

Is Bulgaria,s real estate market maturing or overheating?
The growth in activity and prices has noticeably slowed but there are no indications of a drop

Who is who in the Bulgarian media?
Outside of the two major television channels, almost all Bulgarian media companies are operating at a loss or generate very low profits

Reform of the Judiciary? Only if the Prosecutor General allows it
Investors in Bulgaria must be constantly on the lookout for whether their company might be stolen by means of documentary fraud, fake proceedings, or a competitor with good ties to the government

Crime in Bulgaria: fears and realities
Despite the recent wave of violent crime, the country is not the hellhole described by the media.

Hristo Ivanov: The anti-corruption warrior
The ex-justice minister is one of the very few Bulgarian ministers who has resigned after realizing he can’t achieve his political goals. Then, he launched his own party to pursue them.