
75 results

What's in it for Bulgaria in the new EU budget

What's in it for Bulgaria in the new EU budget

Bulgaria is one of the few countries that will see increased allocation of funds in 2021-2027

The Supply Side Deregulation of Bulgaria’s Electricity Market

The Supply Side Deregulation of Bulgaria’s Electricity Market

Will recent measures restore public trust in government regulation?

Bulgaria’s Northwest does not want to die

Bulgaria’s Northwest does not want to die

An allegedly secessionist call brings to surface the plight of the poorest region in the EU

How Organized Crime Entered Bulgarian Politics

How Organized Crime Entered Bulgarian Politics

Vote buying in Bulgaria is a sign of clientelism government

South Africans Capture Bulgarian Malls

South Africans Capture Bulgarian Malls

Six retail centers, including the four largest in Sofia, will about to be acquired by investment funds in the Republic of South Africa for a total of 1.6 billion levs

Tourism and construction drive Bulgaria’s economic growth

Tourism and construction drive Bulgaria’s economic growth

Investment, consumption, and exports contributed to a 3.9% rise in GDP in the third quarter of 2017

No immediate threats loom on the horizont

No immediate threats loom on the horizont

But social discontent from increasing social inequality could erode the support for ruling coalition in the mid to long term

Are emigration trends turning in Bulgaria?

Are emigration trends turning in Bulgaria?

The number of people moving out of the country after it joined the EU did not rise

SOFIX growth slows down amidst increased turnover

SOFIX growth slows down amidst increased turnover

It is one of the best performing blue-chip indices in Southeast Europe since the beginning of 2017

Ten Years After: Businesses Rearranged

Ten Years After: Businesses Rearranged

The K100 ranking features more manufacturing and high-tech companies compared to 2006

Is the Bulgarian economy already operating at its potential?

Is the Bulgarian economy already operating at its potential?

The authorities need to start looking for new growth engines

Bulgaria is Knocking on the Euro’s Door

Bulgaria is Knocking on the Euro’s Door

Sofia is trying to use the current political climate in the EU to move closer to the Eurozone

When the fight against corruption came into fashion

When the fight against corruption came into fashion

The two major political parties clash over their competing visions of a new anti-corruption law

The center moves to the left

The center moves to the left

Poverty, corruption, unemployment and ineffective government are Bulgarians’ main concerns

The review of insurers and pension funds finds no significant problems

The review of insurers and pension funds finds no significant problems

The issue of related party investments is noted by the regulator but is not addressed head on