75 results

Six lessons from COVID 19
Bulgaria weathered the first part of the pandemic unexpectedly well but then started failing

The real estate market in Sofia shows first signs of recession
Sales increased in 2019 but, on average, prices stagnated

Bulgarian automobile market: Growing but getting older
In 2019, the share of diesel engines and vehicles that were more than 20 years old kept increasing

Bulgaria gliding on the waves of the economic cycle
The local economy continues to move in sync with European trends, while opportunities for reforms slowly dwindle

Economic outlook for Bulgaria remains (relatively) rosy
The chances of an impending recession are slim, the country’s forecast looks good compared to rising pessimism in Europe

Bulgaria’s biggest companies post slower sales growth than regional peers in 2018
Oil refinery Lukoil Neftochim Burgas second biggest loser in Southeast Europe

How much has Dr. Ruja Ignatova pocketed?
Until the fall of 2016 the OneCoin scheme earned 3.3 billion euro with a profit of 2 billion euro

Bulgaria's sluggish advance in the EU
The economy has grown, industry is turning towards higher technology, but reforms have stagnated, hindering the country’s potential

A budget to appeal to everyone
There is enough room for maneuvering in case of an economic downturn but reforms are nowhere in sight

Will Volkswagen Arrive in Kremikovtzi?
Bulgaria has an unprecedented opportunity to attract a major car maker

What should Bulgaria expect from the euro?
It is now clear that euro zone membership has improved the economic performance of new member states

Economic Disparity Between Regions in Bulgaria Remains High
A business revival is visible everywhere, but stronger regions pull ahead, while the weaker ones still lag behind

SEE TOP 100 ranking: Southeast Europe’s top companies rake in record sales, Bulgarian businesses keep pace
The SEE TOP 100 annual ranking published by business intelligence provider SeeNews comprises the biggest companies by total sales in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia

GDP growth keeping pace with the flow
Bulgaria’s economic expansion has slowed down in the second quarter in parallel with the trend in Europe

Liberalization and competition are good for the poor, and they tend to understand it
Bulgarians opt for a welfare state that is not too strong


So long, ladies and gentlemen
Big Western companies are leaving their media assets in Bulgaria mainly because of the turn in their global strategies and their disillusionment with the profit rates in the country

When will Bulgaria catch up with the West?
Eastern European EU members are slowly but steadily converging with the richer European states