
123 results

Bulpros: Bulgaria’s third-biggest M&A deal in IT

Bulpros: Bulgaria’s third-biggest M&A deal in IT

The largest locally-owned software company Bulpros is to merge with German partner ec4u and become majority-owned by European fund Silverfleet Capital

The elections are finally here, World Bank and the US criticize Bulgaria, tourism is down 70%

The elections are finally here, World Bank and the US criticize Bulgaria, tourism is down 70%

K Insights 02/04: the lockdown ends; how to buy something that doesn't have a price

The courier drone

The courier drone

Bulgarian startup Dronamics has begun building its network of partner airports for drone deliveries

Digital startups get funding, BDB acquires stake in baby-shoe maker, Automotive sector expands near Plovdiv

Digital startups get funding, BDB acquires stake in baby-shoe maker, Automotive sector expands near Plovdiv

Short business stories from the past month

The industrial map of Bulgaria

The industrial map of Bulgaria

What do we know about jobs, growth and geography of the mechatronics and automotive sector

A lady you don't want to meet, 3 ways to look at the economy, and why you have to watch your steps

A lady you don't want to meet, 3 ways to look at the economy, and why you have to watch your steps

K Insights 19/02: Economy fares better than forecast, why we don't have good trains

The supercar from the Rhodope mountain

The supercar from the Rhodope mountain

Alieno project promises a 5,000-horsepower prototype by the end of 2021

There is a lot of misuse of EU money in Bulgaria. Brussels hardly notices

There is a lot of misuse of EU money in Bulgaria. Brussels hardly notices

The European Anti-Fraud office has threatened charges in connection with 6 mln.euro procurement in Sofia. This shows both the potential and the failings of OLAF.

The economy of Bulgaria’s regions: Sofia and all the rest

The economy of Bulgaria’s regions: Sofia and all the rest

Economic centers start to gain speed across the country but the capital continues to soar far ahead

Bulgaria’s new factories

Bulgaria’s new factories

Investment projects worth less than 430 mln levs were announced in 2020 - a third of the amount in 2019

Most Dynamic: Grain, Manufacturing, Road Construction

Most Dynamic: Grain, Manufacturing, Road Construction

The revenues of the 50 fastest growing companies increased by an average of 56% in 2019, with the largest companies growing particularly fast.

Small businesses’ big crisis

Small businesses’ big crisis

Small firms which make up more than 90% of companies in Bulgaria, were hit hardest by the Covid-19 crisis

Fast Reads

Fast Reads

Machines and equipment: Pre-crisis growth

Machines and equipment: Pre-crisis growth

Capacity expansion boosted Bulgarian companies’ revenues last year but the slump in global automotive production will hit 2020 results

The last strong year

The last strong year

The revenues and profits of the largest companies in Bulgaria increased rapidly last year but the Covid-19 crisis has put an end to a decade of growth

Economic growth slips

Economic growth slips

Bulgaria’s economic growth slows to six-year low of 2.4% in the first quarter of 2020. Timid signs of recovery can already be seen but it is still too early for optimism

Bulgaria’s new factories

Bulgaria’s new factories

Investment projects worth 1.3 billion levs were announced last year, up 500 million levs on 2018

Bulgaria and the global slowdown

Bulgaria and the global slowdown

Some industries are already losing steam