
106 results

Banking is going through a fundamental transformation

Banking is going through a fundamental transformation

Banks need to shift to customer-specific approach, the head of the EIB representation for Bulgaria Teodor Radonov tells Kapital Insights

No country for (vaccinated) old men

No country for (vaccinated) old men

Plagued by immunization scepticism, Bulgaria trails all EU countries in terms of Covid-19 jabs

Journalists SLAPPed, threatened and pressured; cabinet purges "kalinki", while Left and Right gear up for elections

Journalists SLAPPed, threatened and pressured; cabinet purges "kalinki", while Left and Right gear up for elections

The troubles of being a journalist in Bulgaria, every final decision is penultimate and who are the ladybirds of the administration

The first Green parliamentary leader: Corruption harms both business and the natural environment

The first Green parliamentary leader: Corruption harms both business and the natural environment

Vladislav Panev, co-chair of the Green Movement that now has its first four MPs, talks Bulgarian oligarchs, the EU Green Recovery plan and their priorities during a probable short-lived Parliament

The golden passports are here to stay

The golden passports are here to stay

In 2019, Bulgarian authorities proposed to abolish the scheme granting citizenship in exchange for investment in the country. A year later, they’ve decided to expand it

A lady you don't want to meet, 3 ways to look at the economy, and why you have to watch your steps

A lady you don't want to meet, 3 ways to look at the economy, and why you have to watch your steps

K Insights 19/02: Economy fares better than forecast, why we don't have good trains

Bulgaria enters third pandemic wave, no new measures for now

Bulgaria enters third pandemic wave, no new measures for now

Mass vaccination postponed until beginning of March, Sofia has ordered 460,000 more dozes of the Moderna vaccine

No land of vaccines: COVID-19 and Bulgaria

No land of vaccines: COVID-19 and Bulgaria

Even though the British strain reaches the country, malls and gyms open and the vaccination schedule lags far behind

How Bulgaria let Covid-19 loose

How Bulgaria let Covid-19 loose

After an ineffective first lockdown, the government sleepwalked into the second pandemic wave - with deadly consequences

The last strong year

The last strong year

The revenues and profits of the largest companies in Bulgaria increased rapidly last year but the Covid-19 crisis has put an end to a decade of growth

No water to clean the garbage

No water to clean the garbage

Many Bulgarian towns live on water rationing and next to piles of imported waste because of intentional neglect by the authorities.

Bulgarian PM’s pride

Bulgarian PM’s pride

Boyko Borissov often boasts of the infrastructure improvements made during his tenure but the process is uneven and mired in inconsistencies and bad planning