
45 results

The hub of northern Bulgaria

The hub of northern Bulgaria

Pleven has many advantages: existing ones such as aviation training and medical education, and untapped ones like logistics and manufacturing

Is Bulgaria,s real estate market maturing or overheating?

Is Bulgaria,s real estate market maturing or overheating?

The growth in activity and prices has noticeably slowed but there are no indications of a drop

Fast Reads

Fast Reads

Summer of political scandals, CEZ and Nova Broadcasting Group, Crashed Company Register, Bus crash near Svoge

Fast reads

Fast reads

The end of the Council of EU Presidency, the cabinet is already shaking, Desislava Ivancheva, the Bulgarian judiciary

Commercial properties yields in Sofia remain the highest in the region

Commercial properties yields in Sofia remain the highest in the region

Expectations for 2018 are for a calm market