
44 results

How to spend secretly 100 million euro in Sofia; a breath of fresh air in the Parliament; exports are back on track

How to spend secretly 100 million euro in Sofia; a breath of fresh air in the Parliament; exports are back on track

KInsights 17/04: A Russian billionaire in Sofia, a feisty old lady in the Parliament and the 6 billion euro everyone is talking about

An era is about to end, a TV showman rises and TurkStream has some dirty secrets

An era is about to end, a TV showman rises and TurkStream has some dirty secrets

K Insights 09/04 : An earthquake in Bulgarian politics, the economy fares surprisingly well and a Wolf to beware of

The golden passports of Bulgaria; the new lockdown and the elections; how to get a year of free rent

The golden passports of Bulgaria; the new lockdown and the elections; how to get a year of free rent

K Insights 19/03: the dirty campaign begins and what is cyberethics

What’s the problem with Bulgarian media?

What’s the problem with Bulgarian media?

A combination of market trends and murky political interference has turned the media environment toxic, with only islands of professionalism remaining

Decisions for the next decade, vaccines for the next week and a small city you should put on your maps

Decisions for the next decade, vaccines for the next week and a small city you should put on your maps

K Insights 26/02: 2020 wasn't that bad, why a heating company is listing on the stock exchange

Bulgaria enters third pandemic wave, no new measures for now

Bulgaria enters third pandemic wave, no new measures for now

Mass vaccination postponed until beginning of March, Sofia has ordered 460,000 more dozes of the Moderna vaccine

Setting the scene for 2021: what to expect in the political field

Setting the scene for 2021: what to expect in the political field

Socialist opposition tries to sharpen its teeth, but the surge of smaller parties is promising a fractured parliament

No land of vaccines: COVID-19 and Bulgaria

No land of vaccines: COVID-19 and Bulgaria

Even though the British strain reaches the country, malls and gyms open and the vaccination schedule lags far behind

How Bulgaria let Covid-19 loose

How Bulgaria let Covid-19 loose

After an ineffective first lockdown, the government sleepwalked into the second pandemic wave - with deadly consequences