12 results

The week: How hard is it to buy trains?
The train won't be coming, The free electricity market neither, And the new Constitution is a mess

New automotive investment projects score hattrick exceeding 100 million levs
Austria’s GG Group, Netherlands-based Nedschroef Holding and Germany’s Sulzer are launching operations in Bulgaria

The week: Goodbye to the euro, see you again sometimes?
Is the euro coming at all, the Russian assets in Bulgaria are in for a freeze, trouble at the European prosecution

Daniel Lorer: Bulgaria will look for, not wait for investments
The Minister of growth and innovation of Bulgaria says corruption is the biggest problem

Yanis Varoufakis: Bulgaria's entry into the eurozone would be a mistake
The thinker, writer and ex-Greek finance minister talks to K Insights on the EU and why the Recovery and Resilience package was a mistake

Bulgarian automobile market: Growing but getting older
In 2019, the share of diesel engines and vehicles that were more than 20 years old kept increasing

Why doesn’t VW want to park in Bulgaria?
Europe’s largest automaker, Volkswagen, has yet to decide where to build its new production facility but Turkey seems favorite

Will Volkswagen Arrive in Kremikovtzi?
Bulgaria has an unprecedented opportunity to attract a major car maker

In the fast lane: fuels, metals, manufacturing
The business of the 50 fastest-growing companies expands by 47% on average in 2017.

Telenor Bulgaria going Czech
The Norwegian telecommunications group has chosen billionaire Petr Kellner to become the new owner of its mobile business in Bulgaria