1-4 grade students can return to school
That is, when they test twice a week a week with COVID-19 test kits for kids. They resemble a lollipop and will be easy to use by children. This will help to isolate only the sick kids, instead of the whole school. The government expects to have those kits by next week. Students were banned from attending school last week.
Bulgarian energy holding buys off the debt of Toplofikatsia-Sofia
The heating company, the largest in the country, has over 130 mln.levs of debt to the state-owned Bulgargas. The Energy Ministry is taking this decision urgently, to save the company from going bankrupt and risking leaving the capital without heat this winter. Bulgargas claims that bad governance in Toplofikatsia risks delaying the payments to Gazprom, thus risking the entire natural gas deliveries to Bulgaria. After this operation, the heating company will owe BEH over 850 million levs. The state will decide whether to nationalize it.
The Justice Ministry proposes a ban on golden passports
The new proposal is banning all offers for citizenship based on investments - the so-called "golden scheme". Bulgaria is one of the few European countries offering such a gate to EU-citizenship and has been criticized by the Commission for it. A check in the ministry has proved no new investments have taken place under the scheme. In order to enter into force, it needs to be voted by a Parliament, after the elections.
1-4 grade students can return to school
That is, when they test twice a week a week with COVID-19 test kits for kids. They resemble a lollipop and will be easy to use by children. This will help to isolate only the sick kids, instead of the whole school. The government expects to have those kits by next week. Students were banned from attending school last week.