The day in 3 news: Yoncheva will be MEP for Peevski; GERB, MRF dominate Roma regions; Paysera has IPO for 1.15 million levs

The day in 3 news: Yoncheva will be MEP for Peevski; GERB, MRF dominate Roma regions; Paysera has IPO for 1.15 million levs

© Георги Кожухаров

MRF sends Yoncheva to Brussels

Pro Turkish MRF will have three MEPs, but those who made the top spots on the list - co-chairman Jevdet Chakarov and Iskra Mihailova - will not be heading to Brussels.

Chakarov and Mihailova will most likely give up their seats in the European Parliament according to Kapital. They will be replaced by the former youth leader of the movement Taner Kabilov and the fifth on the list - Elena Yoncheva, former MEP from BSP.

Chakarov's refusal to take his seat in the European Parliament is understandable and expected, because he co-chairs the MRF with Delyan Peevski. Mihailova underlined that her decision was "her choice", even though in the previous European Parliament she was vice-chairman of the faction of the European liberals Renew Europe.

GERB, MRF secure most of the Roma vote

The winner of the parliamentary elections on June 9, GERB collected the most votes in the sections in the districts with a predominantly Roma population in Sofia, Varna and in some of the sections in Plovdiv.

MRF, the runners-up in the election, won most support in Sliven and in Plovdiv.

In recent years, the turnout in the Roma sections has dropped significantly even though such areas remain the main source of election corruption.

Paysera collects half of desired IPO outcome

Fintech company Paysera Bulgaria has successfully conducted an IPO on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. The company managed to place 94,418 shares on the market for small and medium-sized enterprises at a price of 12.2 levs, raising 1.15 million levs.

The company's goal was to raise 2 million levs, offering 163,000 new shares. The funds will be used to obtain a license from the Bulgarian National Bank for a "company dealing with digital money".

"We are proceeding according to plan", Filip Mutafis, founder of Paysera, told "Capital", adding that he will try to get a license with the collected funds. The company currently operates with a license from the Central Bank of Lithuania.

This is the BSE's second IPO for 2024, after the insurance fintech company Boleron went public in February, raising nearly 3.2 million levs.

MRF sends Yoncheva to Brussels

Pro Turkish MRF will have three MEPs, but those who made the top spots on the list - co-chairman Jevdet Chakarov and Iskra Mihailova - will not be heading to Brussels.

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