
13 results

The biggest Bulgarian companies building photovoltaics

The biggest Bulgarian companies building photovoltaics

The emerging sector already employs about 4,500 people, with local companies operating across Europe and around the globe

Solarpro and CMC Europe to build Rezolv’s 229 MW solar park near Silistra

Solarpro and CMC Europe to build Rezolv’s 229 MW solar park near Silistra

The project will cost some 250 million levs and will be completed in 2025

The largest hybrid project in the region is in the Bulgarian town of Razlog

The largest hybrid project in the region is in the Bulgarian town of Razlog

The batteries were installed at a 33-megawatt solar park near Razlog, owned by Investo Partners, the ultimate owner of which is the Austria based Renalfa IPP

Energy Summit 2024 will discuss the future of Bulgaria and the region

Energy Summit 2024 will discuss the future of Bulgaria and the region

The conference will bring many speakers from Europe and the energy business

Renalfa buys Bulgaria’s second largest wind farm

Renalfa buys Bulgaria’s second largest wind farm

Bulgaria's unexplored wind potential remains appealing

Jens Rasmussen: We are starting a project for 250 mW of solar power for 150 million euros near Yambol

Jens Rasmussen: We are starting a project for 250 mW of solar power for 150 million euros near Yambol

Eurowind Energy plans a total of 1 GW of new capacity in Bulgaria, the CEO of the Danish company told Capital

Year 1 of the new age of power generation in Bulgaria

Year 1 of the new age of power generation in Bulgaria

In 2022, the country’s energy sector will begin a process of massive transformation, which promises to be dictated by business rather than politicians

The Week: A foreign investor leaves, a new government might enter, Russians lent us money to pay them

The Week: A foreign investor leaves, a new government might enter, Russians lent us money to pay them

K Insights 30/07: Delta is coming, can you crush a hedgehog with bare ass

Russia is back, Parliament is stuck, universities and politics don't mix well, and Sofia Airport is now private

Russia is back, Parliament is stuck, universities and politics don't mix well, and Sofia Airport is now private

K Insights 23/04: Some problems in the budget and a hope for sunshine in North Macedonia