9 results

Biggest companies in Bulgaria: state-owned energy giants are forever
The revenue of the 100 largest companies in Bulgaria has increased more than 5 times in two decades

Bulgaria: further away from Russia’s claws, but still close enough
An unprecedented diplomatic row between Russia and Bulgaria as the latter plunged into a political crisis

The week: "Year Zero" for anti-corruption, new cabinet or new elections, the quick end of the Gemcorp memorandum
Captured state fights back, gas storage slowly fills up and a skyscraper that is not

Energy crisis: all the questions, answered
Gas, electricity and coal - the combustible mix that blew up the economy

US company replaces Gazprom as partner in Overgas Inc
Texas-based Linden Energy acquires 50% of the Bulgarian private natural gas supplier

This week: Bulgaria finally sets foot on three seas, Elections are here (again) and how to lose 550 million on gambling
An e-car maker might land in Lovetch, you can fly to Varna

The decade when factories grew
The business of the 100 largest Bulgarian companies has expanded by a third in 10 years, the 2018 edition of Capital Top 100 ranking shows, with production facilities being the motors of growth.

Ten Years After: Businesses Rearranged
The K100 ranking features more manufacturing and high-tech companies compared to 2006