8 results

Largest food and beverage producers in Bulgaria: Sunflower stars emerge
Loads of different players from the beer, meat, sunflower and sweets sectors make up the top 50 ranking

Oliva leads the food and beverage sector
In 2021 food and beverage manufacturers reached their pre-Covid business levels. This year, it’s inflation that is upsetting the market

The week: Fear not the political feuds, even when they tell you to on the TV
The optimist theory for the economy, Parliament is stuck, President is happy, and the Dutch don’t like us

Food and beverage Top 30: Sunflower Billions
The sector as a whole performs well, but the champion is sunflower oil production

The biggest advertisers
The construction sector has significantly increased communication investment

TOP 30 in food and beverages: A little richer menu
Most producers had a strong year but reported no record jumps

Food and Beverages: Lower Revenues amid Falling Commodity Prices
Even though just three of the companies in the ranking worked at a loss, the average profitability slightly deteriorated