68 results

Small, midsize and of ever increasing importance
For the first time, the yearly Gepard ranking of most dynamic small and midsize enterprises in Bulgaria by Capital comprises more than 2200 companies. They have increased their revenues by more than 30% in 2018.

Bulgaria's sluggish advance in the EU
The economy has grown, industry is turning towards higher technology, but reforms have stagnated, hindering the country’s potential

A budget to appeal to everyone
There is enough room for maneuvering in case of an economic downturn but reforms are nowhere in sight

The Burgas riddle
The region finds it hard to expand beyond tourism despite its strong economic profile, good infrastructure and quality of life

TOP 5 in outsourcing: More services in more cities
The industry is going through a transformation and the share of businesses with more added value will continue to grow

TOP 25 in software companies: Mass acceleration
The sector is the absolute champion in all of Capital´s Top 100 branch rankings for 2018. It reported the highest growth and the largest profits

Storm clouds gather over Europe's economy
Bulgaria’s economic growth slows to 3.3% in the second quarter of 2019, in line with the general European trend

Export growth slows, yet value added grows
Bulgarian exports rose at a nominally disappointing annual rate in 2018 but goods sold abroad have become more specialized

Will Volkswagen Arrive in Kremikovtzi?
Bulgaria has an unprecedented opportunity to attract a major car maker

When Europe catches a cold
The European economy is losing steam, and Bulgarian national statistics show a disappointing investment and consumer activity

Unprecedented growth
The Gepard ranking of the most dynamic small or mid-sized companies in Bulgaria in 2017 comprises more enterprises that at any time over the past four years

Bulgaria’s economy loses steam
Gross domestic product growth slowed down to 3.0% year-on-year in the third quarter due to weakening exports and investment

EIB helps Bulgaria grow more competitive in EU market
Vazil Hudak, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank

GDP growth keeping pace with the flow
Bulgaria’s economic expansion has slowed down in the second quarter in parallel with the trend in Europe

Hello, inflation!
Prices in Bulgaria have taken a turn and are on the rise after three years of deflation. Forecasts are betting on a slight acceleration in 2018 and 2019, but current inflation levels are still nothing to worry about

The Bulgarian economy takes a pause
GDP kept up its 3.5% growth rate in the first quarter but Europe is slowing down. When will Bulgaria follow?

When will Bulgaria catch up with the West?
Eastern European EU members are slowly but steadily converging with the richer European states

Made in Bulgaria: Auto parts, arms and copper
Bulgarian exports of capital goods are on the rise but without fresh investments the sector will soon reach its limits

Household consumption remains Bulgaria's economic growth driver
Gross domestic product grew by 3.6% y/y in the fourth quarter of 2017, with a negative contribution from net exports and weak investment

Tourism and construction drive Bulgaria’s economic growth
Investment, consumption, and exports contributed to a 3.9% rise in GDP in the third quarter of 2017