
46 results

Having a fact-based opinion is now a felony in Bulgaria

Having a fact-based opinion is now a felony in Bulgaria

The criminal sentence handed to Capital Weekly investigative journalist Rossen Bossev could serve as a precedent to suppress future journalistic investigations

Pirates of the Black Sea

Pirates of the Black Sea

The seizure of a Libyan oil tanker by the Bulgarian authorities has drawn the country into an international scandal. The case has also shown how easily Bulgarian courts can be circumvented

Macedonia's new name could teach Bulgaria a thing or two

Macedonia's new name could teach Bulgaria a thing or two

Sofia is unhappy that its role in the untying of the Macedonian-Greek Gordian knot has been ignored

Meet the cities: The northern island

Meet the cities: The northern island

In spite of its infrastructure woes and the lack of large new investments, Varna remains a point of interest and a city full of subdued energy. It’s time to release that energy and support it.

When not failing is a great success

When not failing is a great success

Bulgaria did not finish its presidency of the Council of EU with a new shiny image as many had hoped but it proved it can run the bloc’s day-to-day affairs

Why is Bulgaria prominently absent in Macedonia?

Why is Bulgaria prominently absent in Macedonia?

In theory, Sofia has all it takes to claim a leading role: geographical and cultural proximity, contacts, and, not least, EU membership. In practice, Bulgaria is at best an afterthought