
47 results

The week: It's all going well if you are a bank, but not if you're a mayor, and a small village has a big waste problem

The week: It's all going well if you are a bank, but not if you're a mayor, and a small village has a big waste problem

The honeymoon ends fast for the new government, economic optimism rises

Textiles, clothing, footwear: Virus in the model

Textiles, clothing, footwear: Virus in the model

The garment industry has been hit hard by the Covid closures that affected over 100,000 workers in the sector in Bulgaria.

The real Bugarian interests in N.Macedonia: in between diplomacy and business

The real Bugarian interests in N.Macedonia: in between diplomacy and business

Outstanding issues between Bulgaria and its southwestern neighbor are important, but it is critical to provide infrastructure and a stable business environment for companies

Retail: a very good year 2020

Retail: a very good year 2020

The revenues of the 30 largest retailers are growing with the help of e-commerce.

The week: Yet another saviour on the horizon, Fourth Covid wave is here and some good news for the budget

The week: Yet another saviour on the horizon, Fourth Covid wave is here and some good news for the budget

To party or not to party, that is Kiril Petkov’s question, (some) Covid restrictions, after all, and even more expensive electricity

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

Also: New Parliament is up, as well as the new 12 bn. Leva Plan

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Fast Reads

Lidl expanding, a boom for metal producers, and a switch to e-bikes

Retail Chains: Tasty Growth of 10%

Retail Chains: Tasty Growth of 10%

All top 20 companies achieved a revenue growth' it is above average for nine of them

Most Dynamic: Grain, Manufacturing, Road Construction

Most Dynamic: Grain, Manufacturing, Road Construction

The revenues of the 50 fastest growing companies increased by an average of 56% in 2019, with the largest companies growing particularly fast.

Ten years later: From bust to boom

Ten years later: From bust to boom

Ten years ago, business collapsed as a result of the global financial crisis; survivors now enter into a new hard season By Tedy Vasileva

The last strong year

The last strong year

The revenues and profits of the largest companies in Bulgaria increased rapidly last year but the Covid-19 crisis has put an end to a decade of growth

Bulgaria’s biggest companies post slower sales growth than regional peers in 2018

Bulgaria’s biggest companies post slower sales growth than regional peers in 2018

Oil refinery Lukoil Neftochim Burgas second biggest loser in Southeast Europe

TOP 30 in retail: Moderate gains for consumer goods retail chains

TOP 30 in retail: Moderate gains for consumer goods retail chains

Revenue growth slowed at retail chains in 2018 but remained adequate at over 8%

TOP30 of Bulgaria’s construction companies: Riding on the highway of public contracts

TOP30 of Bulgaria’s construction companies: Riding on the highway of public contracts

The sector has achieved significant revenue growth mostly stemming from government contracts for infrastructure projects, but also because of a revival in the real estate market

Manufacturing is displacing retail at the top of Capital TOP100 ranking

Manufacturing is displacing retail at the top of Capital TOP100 ranking

As many as 10% of the companies in the 2008 ranking have disappeared since then but half of the remaining businesses are twice the size they were a decade ago

Asset growth lags behind overall economic expansion

Asset growth lags behind overall economic expansion

The assets of the 50 largest companies in Bulgaria grew by a meager 1.5% to 64.3 billion levs in 2018

Germany is the second largest investor in Bulgaria

Germany is the second largest investor in Bulgaria

Impact on retail and manufacturing is decisive

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