68 results

State bets on 2.8% economic growth and lower wage increases in 2025
Public spending will underpin higher growth rates, private consumption will slow down

The week: Emperor Mihaylov lets Sofia burn
The 1989 of Bulgarian Football, Economy slows down, The ups&downs of Burgas

The week: First red flags for the new majority, Geshev’s last stand and a dead man crossing borders
Is the second "historic compromise" going to end up like the first?

The Top 100 Bulgarian companies: Extreme growth
Capital Weekly’s 2022 ranking of the 100 largest companies in Bulgaria shows that giants’ earnings soared by 38% in 2021, with firms from the energy, fuels, grains and metals sectors at the helm

How Bulgarian economy grew 3.4% more last year without national statistics noticing
GDP growth for 2021 was 7.6% and not 4.2%, the NSI acknowledges silently almost a year after

Sofia sends arms to Ukraine indirectly; BSP won’t send a representative to Kyiv; Bulgaria with one of the best debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
The day in 3 news: Sofia sends arms to Ukraine indirectly; BSP won’t send a representative to Kyiv; Bulgaria with one of the best debt-to-gross domestic product ratio

Bulgaria’s budget 2022: too generous and risky
The finance ministry proposed a draft budget for 2022 with a deficit equivalent to 4.1% of planned GDP and significant debt growth

Seven reasons why Bulgaria’s economic growth slowed down
The statistics office reported a surprisingly low 0.4% GDP growth rate in the third quarter of 2021

The Week: The inevitable fifth wave, the surf-master Radev and the boom of online retail
K Insights 22/10: grocery stores flourish while clothes shops go under