
34 results

The week: The next star on the Bulgarian map

The week: The next star on the Bulgarian map

Burgas’ time to shine, politicians vs media&NGOs and Bulgargaz’ troubles deepen

The week: The budget debacle, BETL sink, Schengen opens, GNR to play in Sofia

The week: The budget debacle, BETL sink, Schengen opens, GNR to play in Sofia

K Insights 13/12

The week: Going nuclear (again)

The week: Going nuclear (again)

The new Bulgarian mega-dream, eurozone delayed, Nexo comes back with a vengeance

The week: 3 focal points to watch out for post-Schengen

The week: 3 focal points to watch out for post-Schengen

Bulgaria gets a half-Schengen, Peevski gets a half party, and something awful is going on in the police

Prosecution launches an attack against a political party because of Gazprom deliveries

Prosecution launches an attack against a political party because of Gazprom deliveries

The indictments of ex-Energy Minister Alexander Nikolov and two of his associates for mismanagement of the gas crisis of April 2022 lie on shaky grounds

The day in 3 news: Nexo and Velkova clash over tax; 60% more foreigners visit Bulgaria; EFET slates Bulgargaz-Botas deal

The day in 3 news: Nexo and Velkova clash over tax; 60% more foreigners visit Bulgaria; EFET slates Bulgargaz-Botas deal

Nexo claims not to have tax liabilities

The week: A few Brussels sprouts, Election after April Fool’s Day, Malkovich’s (costly) sell-out show

The week: A few Brussels sprouts, Election after April Fool’s Day, Malkovich’s (costly) sell-out show

Brussels wants to know who's investing, Fool's day elections, waiting for John Malkovich

The Cult of Nexo

The Cult of Nexo

How the Bulgarian company convinced itself, its employees and its customers that all accusations against it were a conspiracy - or FUD

Nexo co-founders and executives charged as an organized crime group in Bulgaria

Nexo co-founders and executives charged as an organized crime group in Bulgaria

Charges ignite political firestorm in the country, while the company continues to operate worldwide

The week: The two types of entrepreneurs, How Nexo affected politics, Bulgaria cashes in on the markets

The week: The two types of entrepreneurs, How Nexo affected politics, Bulgaria cashes in on the markets

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