Following two pilot issues of KQuarterly and some good feedback (including a healthy dose of criticism) we now proceed with a brand new redesigned magazine. It's thicker, it's heavier and it's full of data about Bulgaria, an extensive quarterly country report covering almost every aspect of the Bulgarian politics and economy.
And you do need all this data. How else could you understand why the Bulgarian economy is steadily growing, while the Bulgarian politics is in a deep malaise? In the last couple of years Bulgaria's GDP grows, while three consecutive governments since 2013 have little to show in terms of meaningful reforms. All those economic sectors that do not depend on government intervention, such as export oriented industries and ICT, see their revenues and profits rise (p.50-60). Imagine if this growth was supported by effective government policies.
Economic expansion, however, has its limits. The Bulgarian economy is probably already overheating. This can be evidenced by the labor shortages (36-38), for example. Without a working government capable of tackling the deficiencies of the education system, the high income disparities and the lack of social inclusion, the economy will run out of steam.
Following two pilot issues of KQuarterly and some good feedback (including a healthy dose of criticism) we now proceed with a brand new redesigned magazine. It's thicker, it's heavier and it's full of data about Bulgaria, an extensive quarterly country report covering almost every aspect of the Bulgarian politics and economy.
And you do need all this data. How else could you understand why the Bulgarian economy is steadily growing, while the Bulgarian politics is in a deep malaise? In the last couple of years Bulgaria's GDP grows, while three consecutive governments since 2013 have little to show in terms of meaningful reforms. All those economic sectors that do not depend on government intervention, such as export oriented industries and ICT, see their revenues and profits rise (p.50-60). Imagine if this growth was supported by effective government policies.